The Chooks
We have always had a few backyard chooks to take care of the household scraps and provide us with fresh tasty homegrown eggs (& great fertiliser for the veggie patch). Unfortunately we never had enough eggs to supply our friends, family and neigbours. So, (with a little Joel Salatin inspiration), this year we decided to upscale and go mobile by embarking on a pasture raised poultry enterprise.
We invested in an old caravan and fitted it out with roosts, feed and laying boxes. By using a specialised, netting-type solar powered electric fence around them we can protect them from predators (& keep them from devouring our veggies).
The caravan moves to a fresh patch of pasture every few days (just like our cows) and the chickens will happily scratch, eat insects and worms, dust bathe, and fertilise the ground as they go about their instincts – as nature intended.
We rotate the caravan around a 5 acre paddock which means we have a stocking density of less than 150 hens per hectare. We don't use any colour enhancements in the feed, or add any medication to their water. We reckon that’s what makes our eggs true, free range (& taste great!).
You can buy them on-farm, at local farmers markets, and they will also soon be available in selected stores in Warwick, Toowoomba and Brisbane.