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Our Beef

In a typical season we can run about 200 head of cattle – as a mix of breeders (cows) and weaners (calves six to twelve months old), which are grown out to yearlings, and finished at around 400kg.


We do not use any hormone growth promotants, or grain supplements to artificially enhance their growth rates. Our cattle are carefully and strategically grazed in planned rotations which provide the native pastures time to fully recover before cattle are returned to the paddock.  This has the added advantage of eliminating the need to treat the stock with chemicals to control parasites (like buffalo fly, intestinal worms and lice).


Another advantage of moving the cattle regularly is that by being around them they become calm and are never stressed by our presence. We always practice Low Stress stockhandling techniques when mustering and working cattle in yards are passionate about maintaining our high animal welfare standards.


The breeding herd is a mix of Angus and Droughtmaster; (along with a few grey Brahmans). These are joined (mated) to Angus, Senepol and Charolais bulls to produce a calf which is suited to this environment; has an excellent natural growth rate –due to hybrid vigour; and is capable of laying down enough fat (for tenderness and taste) without the need for grain supplements. We believe it creates a more flavoursome meat, which has a high level of omega 3 fats (the good ones) and is much better for your health.



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